Hey there Nutrabio Fam!! I wanted to share my journey of working full-time with NutraBio and prepping for the Olympia Amateur this summer! Let me back up and introduce myself: My name is Sarah Hunsberger and I love everything thing to do with living the fitness lifestyle, from exercise to nutrition. Within the past year, I competed and won the overall in the NPC National Collegiate Bikini Champion 2016 and I graduated from West Chester University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s of Science in Professional Studies with concentrations in Athletic Coaching and Nutrition. Recently, I went from being a part time NutraBio Demo representative to working full time as the assistant in the Athlete and Events department at NutraBio Headquarters in Middlesex NJ. Not only did I compete in the Olympia Amateur, but I also helped with the planning process of NutraBio attending their first Olympia as well!

The week of June 18th was the start of my first full time position at NutraBio, and the same week that I began my competition preparation for Joe Weider’s Olympia Amateur competition in Las Vegas, Nevada, the first one held in the USA. I competed in the tallest height class, Bikini Class G, and finished in the top 10 at my first International amateur competition! This show was really eye opening for me, as this was only my 4th show in my three years of experience in competing. Going into this show, I knew that I needed to stay on top of my training, nutrition, and supplementation. Being in the office every day and surrounding myself with supportive coworkers actually made prepping and sticking to my plan way easier for me. Below is an inside peak at what my weekdays consisted of during my 15 week prep for Olympia Amateur.

Day in the life of my prep for Olympia Amateur and working full time at NutraBio:
6:00 am Wake up and get ready for work. Drink 8 oz of lemon water.
7:00 am Drink 8 oz of water with NutraBio’s Thermofeul
7:30 am Cook/Eat Meal 1 and pack meals 2 and 3. Drink 8 oz of water and take morning supplements.
7:45 am Drive to the office.
9:00 am Arrive to work, check email, drink coffee, and start the work day.
During the workday, I helped Christina with planning different events, training new demo reps, along with other various assignments.
12:00 pm Eat meal 2/drink 16oz of water.
2:00 pm Lunch break--go for a walk outside or go to Starbucks for another coffee. Take 2nd dosage of Thermofeul.
4:00 pm Eat meal 3/ drink 16oz of water.
5:30 pm Commute back home.
7:00 pm Eat meal 4 (pre-workout meal)/ drink 16oz of water, get ready for the gym
8:00 pm Training time (Lifting and cardio)
10:00 pm Leave the gym and eat meal 5 (post-workout meal). Take night time supplements/drink 8oz of water.
11:30 pm Go to sleep.
For a 22 year old, taking on this packed schedule required me to stay on top of everything--without compromise. This was nothing that I could not handle, as I was used to running from class, to the gym, to the work during college. The hardest part was that the commute takes up about three hours of my day. This made the time that I had available even more precious. To pass the time productively in the car, this is when I make phone calls to catch up with friends and relatives, or I would listen to podcasts. The weekdays were long, but I knew that the work that I was putting in was fulfilling. There is no other place I would rather be than with NutraBio and in the gym chasing my dreams. The opportunities of competing in the first ever Olympia Amateur AND being part of NutraBio’s first booth at the Olympia Expo are memories that I will hold close to my heart and remember for the rest of my life!!

P.S. Look out for more weekly blogs to come from me that relate to competing, living the fitness life style, diet/nutrition, and more!!