Is Running On The Treadmill Different From Running Outside? EndurElite Chief Endurance Officer Matt Mosman discusses the physiological and biomechanical differences of running on a treadmill vs. running outside.
Treadmill vs. Outside Running: Which Is Better?
Treadmill vs. Running Outside….ever wonder if there is a difference?
- According to the research running on the treadmill is easier because it assists leg turnover (belt moving underneath you) and because there is no air resistance.
- Because of these two variables you also expend less energy/burn fewer calories compared to running outside...anywhere from 3-5% less.
- There are also biomechanical differences. When you run on a dread...errr….I mean treadmill you will also strike with more of a flat foot compared to heel to toe, have a more pronounced forward body lean, shorter stride length, and higher stride frequency.
- Researchers think this occurs due to feeling unstable on a treadmill.
- To compensate for these differences you can set the treadmill incline to 1%, run on a manual, self-powered treadmill like a Woodway treadmill, or just suck it up and run outside all the time.
- Because the worst days running outside are still better than the best days spent inside plugging away on the hamster wheel.