6 Common Health Myths Men Need to Be Aware of Today

When it comes to health myths out there, it can be challenging to decipher between what people say as being completely false or factual. How many times have you heard something and questioned its validity? Probably more times than you care to count, right?

Well, here’s a fact… none of us are getting any younger. Our body seems to be changing with each new year, and for that reason, it’s important for all of us to understand what we can do to stay fit, healthy, and maintain our quality of life.

This article will look at six common myths that men need to be aware of so they aren’t behind the eight-ball.

Men Only Need to Worry About Testosterone Levels When They Are “Old”

One of the common health myths out there is that you don’t need to worry about your testosterone levels until you’re old. First off, what defines “old,” and is there any science behind this term? Is 40 considered old? What about 50? For sure, 60 is old, right?

Let’s be honest, we have all seen men who defy Father Time’s grasp and look and perform great well into their 80s and even 90s. But the one thing many don’t seem to really have a grasp of is their testosterone levels. After all, it’s not like a pressure cuff you can put on your arm at home and check.

Testosterone is something ALL men should be focusing on. Research has shown that at the age of 30, men’s testosterone levels start to fall. With each passing year, they drop lower and lower unless you are able to wrap your arms around it and take the necessary steps to prevent your levels from plummeting.

During your annual check-up with your doctor, it would be wise to discuss your testosterone. As a precaution, you may even consider a blood test to check your levels.

It’s Normal for Men to Be Less Energetic, Suffer From Libido Loss, and Forget Things as They Age

Yes and no. Many doctors insist that men should not “feel their age” until they are 65 or older. There are many things that come into play with the symptoms listed in this heading that cause it to make our list of health myths. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, it could be due to a decrease in testosterone, a change in your health, increased stress levels, a reduction in physical activity, or even dietary changes.

You can see your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms or simply take a good hard (honest) look at your lifestyle and make the necessary changes to improve your nutrition, exercise, and stress levels.

But if you want a little help in the bedroom, NutraBio has you covered. You don’t have to feel ashamed if your performance in bed has fizzled out as of late. With NutraBio Horny Goat Weed, you can get back to business between the sheets. Each serving contains 1,000mg of horny goat weed extract that can help naturally increase your libido (regardless of whether you’re a male or female). Enhance your sexual arousal and function through the use of NutraBio Horny Goat Weed so that you can get out all of your energy before bed and then get a good night’s sleep to wake up feeling refreshed the next morning.

Additionally, supplementing with DHEA can be beneficial. Using a product like NutraBio DHEA 100 can help support healthy hormone levels for both men and women. For men, this can be incredibly beneficial if you’re trying to add quality lean muscle mass while increasing energy and sex drive. Many men experience a drop in DHEA around the age of 25.

The last supplement to mention in this piece is Maca. Many choose to add Maca to their regimen to achieve a “boost” in the bedroom. According to research, Maca may help support sperm quality and provide a natural boost in libido. If you’re looking for some enhancement between the sheets, try NutraBio Maca Lepidamax — containing 525mg of patented Lepidamax® Gelatinized Maca.

Pay Extra Attention to Your Fat Intake as You Age

We are, unfortunately, programmed to think that all fat is bad for us – it’s not. The media hasn’t done us any favors when reporting on the subject. Fat is good, no it’s bad, no it’s good (you get the point). News surrounding fat puts it on our list of health myths and is something we need to look at and understand.

Not all fat is bad for you. To be more specific, trans fat is the kind of fat you should minimize or eliminate from your nutrition. Trans fat can be detrimental to the health of your heart, which could increase your risk of a heart attack or heart disease.

On the other side of the spectrum is the good or “healthy” fat. This comes from fish, avocado, natural nut butter, raw nuts, nut oil, and even extra virgin olive oil. Healthy fat can improve cognitive functioning and performance, help manage hormone levels, be used by the body as an energy source, keep blood vessels healthy, and may even improve cholesterol levels.

Your Genetics Will Determine What Happens as You Age

For some reason, those who are overweight or obese like to claim they have bad genetics. “Oh, it’s because my mom and dad were overweight, and it’s hereditary.” No, that’s simply an excuse. You have the ability to up and down-regulate your genes simply by changing your lifestyle. What this means is, at any point, by merely getting more physical exercise, changing your nutrition, and managing your stress levels, you can experience drastic changes in your health (both mental and physical).

Researchers have even found that by consuming certain foods, you have the ability to “turn off” any gene that may have been passed down to you that is considered a health risk. For instance, consuming more fruits and vegetables can help reduce cardiovascular disease, should it be common in your family. While it’s not a “sure thing,” it can definitely help lower your risk factors.

E.D. Only Affects Older Men

This is one of the common health myths that many men around the globe would tell you is not true. Erectile dysfunction can happen to men of any age and for many different reasons. That said, E.D. is definitely an issue for those getting up in age, as research has shown around 52% of men between 40 and 70 suffer from erectile dysfunction.

E.D. can be brought on at any age due to stress, alcohol, depression, drug use, issues with a spouse or partner, smoking, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and low testosterone. Should you find you’re suffering from E.D., speak with your doctor and figure out what action plan may be needed to help reverse the effects.

You Can Catch Up on Sleep During the Weekends

Last on our list of health myths deals with your sleep patterns. We live in a world where people are always busy, always on the go, burn the midnight oil to finish projects, stay up late to watch television, you can fill in whatever reason you want here. Many Americans suffer from sleep problems and don’t get the recommended minimum of seven hours of sleep each night.

Unfortunately, many are left believing they can simply sleep in on the weekends and “catch up” on lost sleep. This isn’t possible. Researchers have looked at this hypothesis for years and have found you can’t reverse the damage done to your body by sleeping extra hours on the weekend. The only way to make a change is to do just that – make a change.

You should make your sleep a priority. Sleep deprivation can drastically alter your metabolism, insulin sensitivity, muscle tissue recovery, and many other functions and processes in your body. Develop a schedule that allows you the ability to get in bed and sleep for a minimum of seven hours straight without interruption.