Immune Support Supplements: Essential For Your 40s & 50s

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As you age, your immune system doesn’t work as well as it did back in your 20s and 30s. That doesn’t mean you need to accept the fact that your risk of getting sick increases. That said, the need for immune support supplements becomes a necessity.

In this article, we will dive deeper into what happens as you age and how immune support supplements can play a role in maintaining your health.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, changing your daily nutrition, or adding any supplements to your regimen.

Why Immune Health Declines with Age

As you get older, your risk of health issues increases. This happens due to several factors. Let’s unpack why you need to stay on top of your health in your 40s and 50s and what you can do.

Immune System Function in Your 40s and 50s

A reality we face is a natural decline in our immune function as we age. This weakened immune response, called immunosenescence, typically starts in our 40s and 50s. Our bodies produce fewer T cells, which are key fighters against sickness.

This drop makes us more prone to illnesses and slows our recovery time.

Unfortunately, vaccines also become less effective as we get older. Our immune cells don’t respond as strongly to these preventive measures as they once have done before.

That’s why immune support supplements become crucial in our middle years and beyond.

Oxidative stress hits our immune cells hard and only gets worse with age. Free radicals damage our cells, making it harder for them to fight off germs.


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Our body’s natural defenses and immune response can’t keep up. This can lead to inflammation and tissue damage.

We need to tackle this issue head-on to boost our immune function. One thing to pay close attention to is antioxidants. They help protect our cells from harm. Foods rich in vitamins C and E are also beneficial as they can boost your natural defenses along with the use of immune support supplements. Together, they provide a wall of protection, helping maintain your overall health.

Common Health Conditions Linked to Weakened Immunity

We see many health conditions and issues start popping up in our 40s and 50s. These can hurt our immune function, potentially leading to more issues. High blood sugar is a big problem. It stresses our body’s defenses and makes white blood cells weak.

People with diabetes tend to get sick more often, as type 2 diabetes can weaken your immune system. Those with this condition also find it takes longer to recover from common illnesses like colds.

High blood sugar damages white blood cells, making them less effective at fighting off germs.

Heart disease is something else we need to pay close attention to. The condition makes our immune system work harder. This leaves you with less energy to fight off germs effectively.

If you suffer from these conditions, you must stay on top of them to keep your immune system strong and improve your immune response.

What tends to happen is that these conditions are controlled by prescription drugs. Medications for these issues can also impact your immunity. Corticosteroids and chemotherapy drugs for cancer patients can suppress the immune response. They can lower your body’s ability to spot and attack harmful invaders.

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Key Nutrients for Immune Support in Your 40s & 50s

There are some common key nutrients (many of which you probably already know) that you should focus on once you hit the age of 40. These nutrients can help boost your immune system and activate your body’s natural defenses.


Vitamin C and Its Role in Immune Health

We love Vitamin C for its powerful immune-boosting effects. This essential nutrient acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting our cells from harmful free radicals. It also enhances your body’s defense system by supporting white blood cell function.

Vitamin C helps fight oxidative stress and supports immune function. It strengthens our immune response, making us more resilient against common colds and other illnesses. The fact that your body can’t produce this nutrient on its own means you need to get it from food or immune support supplements.

Vitamin C helps neutrophils and lymphocytes work better, which are two key types of white blood cells.

Using a vitamin C supplement can help white blood cells find and kill foreign pathogens that enter your body and protect your cells from damage. The powerful combination of foods high in vitamin C along with vitamin C supplements means your body can fight off colds and the flu more easily.

The Importance of Vitamin D Levels


Vitamin D is another crucial nutrient that helps keep your immune system strong. A Vitamin D deficiency can weaken your immune system. Your body needs this vital nutrient to support immune system function.

We see a clear link between insufficient vitamin D levels and getting sick more often.

An example of this is looking back at the pandemic. Two vitamins they recommend everyone takes, regardless of whether they are sick or not, are vitamin C and vitamin D. Your immune cells rely on vitamin D to work properly.

Older adults require a higher intake of vitamin D. A vitamin D deficiency is more common in this demographic because your body makes less as you age. Low levels can affect immune system function and increase your risk of getting sick.

To increase your vitamin D intake, you can consume more fish and eggs in your diet, get out in direct sunlight throughout the day, and use immune support supplements that include vitamin D.

Elderberry Extract: A Popular Immune Booster

If your memory is similar to mine, years ago, you probably heard about a “new” supplement called elderberry being sold. It seems to be forgotten compared to vitamins C and D. But elderberry extract is great for immune health. It’s rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and further helps build up your defensive armor when it comes to foreign invaders trying to enter your system to do harm.

As a brief history lesson for you, elderberry has been used since 400 BC as a natural remedy. Now, you can find it in many forms, like syrups, gummies, pills, powders, and teas.

It has been found that elderberry can cut cold symptoms by up to four days, as it helps create more immune cells to fight off germs. Plus, it can stop viruses from spreading in our system.

How Immune Support Supplements Can Improve Your Immune Response


Immune support supplements play a crucial role in improving your immune response. Let’s dive a little deeper into understanding how it helps:

How Supplements Strengthen White Blood Cells

It’s common knowledge that we know (and have probably experienced first-hand) that immune support supplements boost your body’s defense system by increasing immune cells.

Many of these immune support supplements contain ingredients like vitamin C, D, B6, elderberry extract, zinc, and several other ingredients. They help produce more white blood cells, which fight off germs.

With the combination of these key nutrients, you can give your immune system the tools it needs to keep you healthy.

Reducing Oxidative Stress with Dietary Supplements

Antioxidants in immune support supplements help fight harmful free radicals in your body. These compounds protect your cells from damage and are a true immune system booster.

Antioxidants help neutralize harmful molecules and oxidative stress while also protecting your immune cells from being attacked. Whether you realize it or not, your body is constantly fighting oxidative stress. It’s just a hard fact that we need to deal with.

That’s where antioxidants come in and where immune support supplements can shine. These powerful allies support our white blood cells and optimize their functioning.

If you’re able to reduce oxidative stress and damage, you can more easily maintain a powerful immune response well into your 40s and 50s.

Choosing the Right Immune Support Supplements

By now, you’re probably thinking, “Matt, this is great, but how do I choose the right immune support supplements to gain the most benefits?” Let’s jump into this, as it’s something everyone needs to understand fully.

Essential Nutrients to Look For

Essential nutrients play a crucial role in immune health. Vitamins C and D, zinc, and elderberry are top picks for boosting your body’s defenses.

Let’s quickly break some of them down in an easy-to-digest format:

  1. Vitamin C tops our list as it helps boost immune cells and fights off nasty colds.
  2. Vitamin D is a crucial player in keeping our defenses strong.
  3. Zinc can be added to the mix to help build immune cells and reduce how long you’re sick.
  4. Elderberry rounds out our fab four as it helps build more immune cells and can shorten your recovery time if you fall ill.

Some other ingredients you may find in various immune support supplements include vitamin A, copper, and iron, which all help boost your natural defenses and help you stay healthy.

Combining these ingredients is like having your own personal army guarding your body from foreign pathogens. Best of all, you can get a mix of these ingredients in many common immune support supplements as well as through your everyday diet by eating things like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.


How to Identify High-Quality Dietary Supplements

Picking high-quality immune support supplements can be tricky. The key is to look for brands that show their ingredient sources and test results.

Here at NutraBio, we are completely open and transparent with our products so that you know exactly what you’re putting in your body.

All our products go through third-party testing, which is important when you’re choosing supplements. You want to know what you’re paying for is what you’re actually getting.

Transparency in ingredient sourcing is key for supplement brands. NutraBio sets the industry standard here, and we’re incredibly proud of that. They share full details about ingredients and how we make the products. You often find Mark Glazier, the NutraBio owner, walking around showing viewers how he makes the products and the various processes they go through before getting to your doorstep.

This builds trust and we love bringing you along on the journey when it comes to making some of the best supplements on the planet that you can be proud of.


NutraBio’s Immune Support Supplements: A Comprehensive Solution

NutraBio’s immune support supplements offer a complete solution for those in their 40s and 50s. These products contain vital nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, patented EpiCor®, quercetin, echinacea, NAC, and more to boost your body’s defenses.

Some of our best sellers include Immune, First Response, Lungs, and many more. Feel free to check out our full line of immune support supplements.

Our immune support supplements help boost your body’s defense system as you age and can even help you get over an illness faster.

As a quick example (this is my own personal experience, and your results may vary), I was hospitalized with a really bad case of bilateral pneumonia. They told me I was going to be on oxygen for a while after going home until my lungs were fully recovered. As soon as I arrived home from the hospital, I started taking NutraBio Lungs.

After about a week of using the product, my lungs were strong enough to stop using oxygen 24/7. Does that mean the product alone solved my problem? I can’t say with 100% certainty, but the doctors were quite confused as to how I was already requesting to stop the 24/7 oxygen treatment. After another week, I was back in the gym (which is way sooner than most people who had the same issue I did).


Lifestyle Habits to Support Immune Health Alongside Supplements

As with most things, nothing works unless you do. Simply taking immune support supplements isn’t going to be the end-all-be-all solution. You need to look at your lifestyle habits and potentially make some changes.

Importance of Diet and Hydration

A balanced diet fuels and builds your immune system. Proper hydration helps flush out toxins and keeps your body running efficiently. Eating lots of fruits and veggies gives you plenty of crucial vitamins and minerals, and drinking enough water helps your body absorb these nutrients better. This tag team creates the perfect base for immune support supplements to be introduced and work their magic.


The Role of Exercise and Stress Management

You can boost your immune system through regular exercise and stress control. Moving your body helps fight off sickness as it helps lower inflammation and makes your cells work better. It can also help reduce your risk of upper respiratory infections.

To go along with exercise is stress. Stress is damaging to your defenses, but we can fix that. Deep breaths, yoga, or walking outside can help reduce stress levels. You can see big changes with just 30 minutes of activity each day. It allows your white blood cells to get stronger and more active.

Plus, you may sleep better at night. Good sleep allows your body to repair itself.

Pairing exercise with immune support supplements creates a powerful combo. You get the best results when you move your body and take in the right nutrients.


Final Thoughts

You need to emphasize the importance of immune support supplements in your 40s and 50s. Your bodies require additional assistance as you age. These immune support supplements complement your diet and enhance your natural defenses.

They provide essential vitamins and minerals that maintain our immune system’s strength. You should select high-quality supplements that have undergone testing and are from a reputable company you trust. At NutraBio, we hope to have earned that trust and support. 

With the appropriate immune support supplements, you can maintain your health and active lifestyle for many years to come.

Don’t wait to start taking care of your health and focus on your immunity. Check out our full range of immune supplements and give your immune system the backup it needs.





Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN