NutraBio Partners with at Olympia 2018!

September is a BIG month for the fitness industry! Thousands of fitness enthusiasts gather together in Las Vegas to visit vendors, compete, meet up with friends and fitness role models, and celebrate the biggest fitness competition of the year – the Mr. Olympia ! This was my 6th consecutive year at the Mr. Olympia expo – incredible how fast time flies (and how old I’m getting LOL). NutraBio’s CEO and founder Mark Glazier meets up with Richard Wang, President of NuLiv Sciences and NutraBio/ athlete Zane Hadzick to celebrate the launch of EAA ENERGY. NuLiv manufactures Astragin which is added to EAA Energy to increase absorption and bioavailability of aminos by 30-40%. Like last year, I represented NutraBio at the booth! I met fans, talked about career paths, discussed supplements, took pictures, and had so much fun with everyone! The NutraBio team and I handed out thousands of free supplement products and swag. And I had the privilege of handing out our brand new exclusive product – NutraBio’s EAA Energy! The product is designed to provide long-lasting energy, support lean muscle, and optimize muscle function and health! People were so stoked to try it. Especially the flavor – cherry limeade – which is ridiculously good. Everyone was excited to try it – from occasional lifters to hardcore competitors. Overall, the product was very well received, and the people I spoke to who tried it said they loved the taste and energy it provided them. There were a few things that really blew me away this year.
  1. How many people waited in line to try the new EAA Energy product, and how many people waited in line to specifically chat with me (I will forever be humbled by this). I knew EAA Energy was going to generate hype, but I did not expect so many people to be aware of the product since it just launched on the website. I was also pleasantly surprised to see how energized the staff was about the product! They were ecstatic to say the least!
  2. The favorite to win the Mr. Olympia – Phil Heath – was dethroned and Shawn Rhoden now reigns supreme! I don’t know if anyone saw this coming. Everyone I spoke to thought Phil Heath was going to win his 8th straight title. This year’s contest sure did prove to be extraordinarily entertaining and surprising for many!
  3. And perhaps the most exciting thing this year, was the NutraBio and takeover of the City Athletic Club gym. The event had seminars from athletes, Julian Smith and Des Scoggin, as well as seminars from NutraBio athletes, Sheila Barden and Robb Philippus. Attendees had the chance to meet team NutraBio and team athletes and train with them! This was most certainly my favorite component because I not only got to get in a training session, I got to share my knowledge and experience as a NASM certified personal trainer with the fitness community and share my love and passion for what I do! On top of all of this, free samples of NutraBio products were being handed out to fuel the session! Now how cool is that? The event was a blast and a huge success!
Mark Glazier, CEO and Founder of NutraBio, trained with the Crew like we always do at expos. It's always inspiring working in on sets with Mark. He grinds harder than anyone else in the gym! It’s hard to even being to sum up how thankful I am to be part of this event, and part of team NutraBio and team Every year it seems like things get better – almost too good to be true! So HUGE thanks to everyone who came out, HUGE thanks to team NutraBio and team, and HUGE thanks to my family in supporting me in doing what I do! I appreciate you all and can’t wait for the next event!