I always ask the question “why?” — “why?” and “how?” My mind craves explanations. It’s quite unsettling that most people have no idea what they put in their body every day. Even the select few who do know what they’re putting in their body usually don't know how that food or supplement is going to benefit (or hinder) their performance. I’ve done extensive research to come up with the best supplement stack for me and my goals. I’m currently in a cutting phase for some photo/video shoots and it’s pertinent that I supplement with the right — and best — products.

Let’s start with my mornings. When I wake up in the morning I begin my routine. After weighing myself, I go over to my supplement table and go straight down the line — Extreme Joint Care, Fish Oil, Multi Sport, Thermo Fuel V.9, and 10g of Glutamine. These are the meat and potatoes of my current supplementation. With this stack, I’m able to maintain optimal health while getting the protection and recovery I need. Once I have that in me, I’m off to the kitchen to make some protein pancakes. (I usually use 100% whey isolate banana flavor.) When you’re on a cut, I mean
REALLY on a cut, there’s nothing much better than some warm, tasty protein pancakes in the morning. Depending on my current macros, I’ll add different foods into, or on top of, the protein pancakes.
After breakfast I’ll shower and get ready for my day. I’m currently in a situation in which I can come home to eat my meals, but at times when I travel I’ll pack up all my food and protein shake before heading out. I go about my day answering emails, tracking macros, studying exercise science, and making sure to stay hydrated. Besides the occasional scoops of BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids), I don't do much supplementing during my day. Once pre-workout time hits, I start back up with the NutraBio magic.

Ideally I like to train later in the day so I have more food in me. Regardless of what time it is, around an hour before training I’ll have my last pre-workout meal. It’s good to refrain from eating too close to your workout so your body can optimally absorb your pre-workout supplements and you won’t feel bloated. I’m always changing my pre-workout supplementation to mix it up and prevent a caffeine tolerance, but Pre Extreme is the “go-to” pre-workout. If I know I’m going to need a serious boost without all the unnecessary ingredients and proprietary blends, Pre Extreme it is. Along with that, I take a 5g maintenance dose of Creatine as well, usually 15 minutes prior to warming up. After a nice warm-up, the effects of the pre-workout should begin kicking in. (On days I don't take Pre Extreme, I’ll make my own mix of NutraBio’s Pure Caffeine, L-Citruline, and Creatine to get me ready to go.)

At this point, NutraBio has done its job to get me ready to perform. These supplements hit the broad spectrum of benefits including: optimal health, joint care, recovery, energy, stamina, and strength. There’s only one thing left to do — rebuild. All athletes have to perform not only that day but also the day after that and the day after that. I rebuild with 100% whey isolate, the protein that gives me exactly what I need, is dairy-free, and tastes great. Dutch chocolate and banana are my current favorite flavors. After a long, grueling workout, I make sure to have two scoops of the isolate to maximize the final stage of recovery and rebuilding.

Article Written By: Anthony LaVigne "Ant Gainz"