markby NutraBio CEO & Founder, Mark Glazier You’ve all heard me rant about all the protein scams going on in this industry. It’s so bad that sometimes I even find it hard to believe. But then this happens: Last week I turned down my 3rd international distributor deal for protein. They just don’t get it! All 3 distributors negotiated deals to introduce NutraBio CLASSIC WHEY to their countries. They love the product and all see it as a competition killer against the top brands in their market. It’s gone through their regulatory and been approved in their countries.
But when all was said and done, all 3 asked me to make one minor change: “Add a little Whey Protein Isolate to it." "How much do you want to add?" I asked them. "Just a few milligram’s to make the label look good.” To which I responded: “a few mg’s won’t help and is just deceiving them.” To which they all basically responded: “Just use a proprietary blend and list the isolate after the whey concentrate 80 and they’ll never know how little we’ve added.” Like I said, they just don’t get it. If I’m not going to rip off consumers in the United States, what the hell makes them think I’m going rip them off in other countries? These deals were worth in excess of 1 million dollars in sales annually. Is that the price for my soul? 20 years preaching about prop blends, protein spiking, WPC bait & switch, and other supplement scams and now they think I’ll sell out. One of the largest big box retailers in the in the country recently asked me to do the same scam. I just don’t get it; they are asking me to rip off their own customers. Here’s my message to all of them: My supplements are what they are: clean and honest! I won’t cheapen them to increase your sales! I won’t change them to improve your margins. I won’t deceive consumers to win your contracts!! The supplement industry is in a renaissance and you better get with it. Consumers care about what they put in their bodies. They are starting to read and better understand supplement labels while everyday more brands are getting it and making the shift to full disclosure and more honest labels. NutraBio has been leading this revolution for 20 years, and if certain chains and distributors don’t care, be warned, your customers do. See more articles by NutraBio CEO Mark Glazier Follow NutraBio on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the latest supplement news, contests and more!