HMB Benefits You Never Knew Existed

Male using HMB supplement - NutraBio

Did You Know About These HMB Supplement Benefits?

Sometimes, the best supplements out there are the tried-and-true, old-school products. It just so happens that the use of an HMB is one of these supplements.

We’ve thoroughly researched HMB supplements over the years, and their potential to enhance your efforts is impressive, yet sometimes forgotten with all the new products hitting the market.

Studies on HMB have shown it can significantly reduce muscle breakdown and even support muscle growth and strength gains.

We’ve looked at all the research to provide you with accurate information on why you may want to start using an HMB supplement. And in this article, we’ll dive deeper into what HMB is, the effect of HMB, and who might benefit most from incorporating HMB supplementation into their current regimen.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, making changes to your nutrition, or adding any supplements to your current routine.

What is HMB Supplement?

HMB, or β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate, is a compound that our bodies can make when we break down the amino acid leucine. While HMB supplementation is the easiest way to take in adequate amounts of HMB, you can find small amounts of it in foods like grapefruit, alfalfa, and catfish.

It should also be noted before we get too deep into things here that research has found that HMB is safe and effective when used.

HMB supplements come in both powder and pill form, allowing you to choose your preferred method, whether it's swallowing the pills or mixing the powder into a shake. Most studies recommend a daily dose of 3 grams, typically split into three servings throughout the day.

What is HMB Supplement Good For?

HMB supplements offer a range of benefits for bodybuilders, athletes, active individuals, and aging Americans. This dietary supplement may boost muscle growth, prevent muscle loss, and speed up recovery after workouts.

Below are some of the benefits you can experience when using an HMB supplement:

1.    Supports muscle growth

One of the most notable benefits of HMB is its ability to help improve muscle growth. An HMB supplement has been shown to boost protein synthesis and slow down muscle breakdown which in turn will help you reach your goals faster.

Studies back this up, too. Research shows that HMB can increase lean body mass, especially when paired with a solid strength training program that is focused on hypertrophy.

Part of HMB’s magic lies in its ability to enhance muscle recovery. It helps reduce exercise-induced muscle damage, allowing you to bounce back faster from intense workouts.

2.    Helps reduce muscle breakdown

HMB supplements are great at helping prevent muscle breakdown. They work by slowing down the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, which breaks down muscle proteins. This means less muscle damage during grueling workouts as well.

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Research on HMB has shown it can lower plasma creatine kinase levels — a key marker of muscle damage. This translates to faster recovery and better gains.

One benefit that doesn’t seem to get the attention it deserves is the fact that an HMB supplement can help reduce muscle loss in older adults. As adults age, sarcopenia tends to take place, and many experience a loss in lean muscle mass.

3.    Supports exercise recovery and adaptations

We’ve seen HMB work wonders for exercise recovery and adaptations. The inclusion of an HMB supplement in your routine can help your body bounce back faster after tough training sessions. It cuts down on muscle soreness and speeds up repair.

The use of this dietary supplement may also boost your endurance and strength, letting you push harder each time you step into the gym.

4.    Other potential health benefits

HMB offers more than just muscle benefits. Research hints at its antioxidant effects. This benefit could help fight off harmful free radicals and protect cells from damage.

Furthermore, HMB might also boost brain health in older adults who exercise. Studies show it may sharpen thinking skills when paired with regular exercise.

HMB Supplement - NutraBio

How HMB Works

HMB works by changing how our bodies handle proteins in our muscles. It also affects how we process leucine and cholesterol. These changes help our muscles grow and get stronger.

1.    Protein metabolism in skeletal muscle

Using HMB plays a role in muscle protein metabolism. It helps cut down on dreaded muscle breakdown. In one study, ICU patients who took HMB had better amino acid metabolism.

They also scored higher on overall health tests. This shows HMB can keep muscles strong, even when the body is under stress.

In a 30-day trial, people took 3 grams of HMB daily. The results? Their muscles held up better than those who didn’t take HMB.

In fact, HMB increased the participants’ calf muscle size.

2.    Leucine and cholesterol metabolism

When it comes to leucine and cholesterol metabolism, an HMB supplement can also play a role. HMB can boost protein turnover through the mTOR pathway, which can help you build more muscle. At the same time, HMB cuts down on muscle loss in the body.

What this means is that you require less leucine in order to see positive effects. HMB also lowers total and LDL cholesterol levels, which is great for heart health.

Who Should Use HMB?

The great thing about an HMB supplement is that it works well for both the young and old. Below are some examples of who can benefit from using an HMB muscle supplement.

1.    Benefits for athletes and bodybuilders

The benefits of HMB for athletes and bodybuilders are quite impressive. This supplement can improve lean body mass and enhance exercise performance. It may also cut down on muscle damage markers like creatine kinase.

For those who hit the gym hard, an HMB supplement can reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). This means less pain after intense training and faster recovery times.

That being said, HMB isn’t just about building muscle. It also helps with strength gains.

Athletes and bodybuilders often pair the supplement with protein or combine an HMB and creatine supplement to maximize results.

2.    Advantages for the elderly in maintaining muscle mass

Another one of the great benefits of HMB is with older adults. It helps them keep their muscles strong and healthy. Research shows that HMB can increase lean body mass and can have even greater effects when combined with vitamin D3.

This is crucial for seniors who often lose muscle as they age. Staying along those same lines, HMB may also improve knee strength, which can reduce the risk of falls.

Long-term use of an HMB supplement supports overall muscle health in older adults. It’s a simple yet effective way to fight age-related muscle loss.

How to Take HMB Supplements

It’s important to understand how to use an HMB supplement properly. Below are some guidelines and daily dosage recommendations you can follow. That said, you should always follow the directions on each HMB product you purchase.

Guidelines for safe consumption

We recommend starting with a low dose of HMB and gradually increasing it. Most studies use 3 grams daily, split into three 1-gram doses. This amount has been shown to be safe for adults. As a pro tip, we’ve found taking HMB with meals helps reduce any stomach discomfort that may occur.

It’s important that you drink plenty of water when using HMB supplements.

Also, it should go without saying that an HMB supplement works best when combined with resistance training. For optimal results, we suggest taking your HMB supplement 30-60 minutes before your workout.

Daily dosage recommendations based on research

Research shows that 3 grams of HMB per day is a common and safe dosage. Studies have found this amount effective when taken for up to one year. To keep blood levels steady, it’s best to split the 3 grams into three doses throughout the day.

For those looking to reduce muscle loss, 1-3 grams daily may help. Most people take between 2.4 to 3 grams each day for the best results.

With consistent use, HMB may support muscle growth and recovery for active individuals. However, everyone responds differently, so pay attention to how your body feels while using any HMB supplement.

Combining HMB and protein supplement

Stacking HMB with protein is a powerful combo. A 12-week study showed that taking 3 grams of HMB daily along with whey protein led to some pretty impressive gains. The group using this combo saw a 14.2% increase in leg muscle mass.

That’s double the growth of those who only used whey protein. On training days, participants drank 60 grams of whey protein. They cut that to 30 grams on rest days.

This combination seems to be able to enhance muscle growth without adding body fat. This is a win-win for those looking to build lean mass but are worried about their bulk causing increases in stubborn body fat.

Combining HMB and creatine supplement

If performance and results are what you’re after, you should consider stacking an HMB and creatine supplement together. Taking 3 grams of HMB with creatine can increase strength and fast-track results. This combo helps athletes perform better, build more muscle, and recover faster.

As with protein, it can also reduce fat gain while preserving lean muscle mass. Plus, it gives a nice bump to endurance and high-intensity exercise performance.

How Much HMB Should You Consume?

A common question asked is how much HMB you need per day. Let’s break things down to get you on the right path to seeing some massive results.

Recommended dosage of HMB

Research has found that the dosage of an HMB supplement is typically 3 grams per day. This amount has been shown to be safe for up to one year of use — then you can cycle off before using it again.

It is recommended that the 3-gram dosage be taken with three meals you consume throughout the day. The goal is to keep HMB levels steady in the blood.

What is the Best HMB Supplement?

Highest Quality HMB Supplement By NutraBio

NutraBio HMB stands out as a top choice for an HMB supplement. Our HMB offers high-quality, pure HMB in an easy-to-use form.

Our HMB supplement comes in pill form and will provide you with 120 vegetarian capsules (each serving being 1,000 mg) to help you achieve your daily 3-gram recommended dosage.

To experience the best results possible, we recommend stacking NutraBio HMB with one of our creatine products. You can also stack our HMB supplement with your favorite NutraBio protein.

The verdict is out, and HMB is something you should absolutely consider adding to your supplement regimen if you want to experience the best results possible from your training.





Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN