NutraBio Receives Flag from Master Sargent Alberto Jimenez

I received this American Flag sent to the NutraBio Team by Master Sargent Alberto Jimenez and the U.S. Marines that we help support with supplements. It is a great honor and very much appreciated, but it is us who should be honoring you for the sacrifices the Marines make every day. I presented the flag to our team today and they were all very touched. As I explained to them that United States Marines had flown this flag over Afghanistan and taken the time to present it to us, everyone became emotional. It was amazing to see some of them tear up as I explained who you were, how I met your beautiful family at the Air Force Base, your wife, daughters and son, the many years that you have proudly served your country and your dedication to the friends your serve with. The emotion we shared wasn’t for us or anything we’ve done, it was for you, and for what all that serve have done for us. It was a heartfelt moment. The media might not show it, but people here really respect what Marines do, and understand the sacrifices you make. I witnessed it today. Thank you for all you, and send our sincere thanks to all you serve with over in Afghanistan. Be safe and return to your family and friends soon.

-Mark Glazier Founder of NutraBio

SoldiersThank you to our troops!