NutraBio Statement: Testing Confirms No Ostarine Found in Products


June 14, 2024


 Middlesex, N.J. — NutraBio CEO & Founder Mark Glazier released the following statement regarding allegations made by Ryan Garcia:


“NutraBio categorically rejects the reckless claims made by professional boxer Ryan Garcia and his team that the NutraBio SuperCarb product caused Mr. Garcia’s positive test for Ostarine. Our company has consistently maintained a rigorous quality control process. NutraBio has never manufactured a supplement with Ostarine and has never brought Ostarine into our manufacturing facility for use in any product, ever. We have a long-standing commitment to producing the highest-quality supplements, trusted by athletes worldwide.

 “A retain of the SuperCarb lot in question has been tested for Ostarine at ISO 17025 accredited laboratories by Eurofins and BSCG (Banned Substance Control Group), both of which are leading independent third party testing providers. The testing confirmed there was no Ostarine detected in the product.

 “Any express or implied statements suggesting that our product contained Ostarine when it was sold are completely unfounded. Making defamatory statements about our product and brand that rely on test results done on an unsealed, expired container handled by the accused individual has no credibility.

“Further, the minuscule amount of Ostarine allegedly detected in the open container of SuperCarb does not explain the amount of Ostarine identified in Ryan Garcia’s urine, which at 6 ng/ml is 60 times the testing limit.

“We take any claims against our company extremely seriously and stand by our process for ensuring the quality, safety, and security of our products.”
