Next weekend Team NutraBio will be headed out to Columbus, Ohio to take part in the 30th Anniversary of the World famous Arnold Classic Sports Festival. The Arnold Classic is one of the most well-known trade shows of the year so our team cannot wait to make our debut at the Expo and interact with the tens of thousands of spectators who will be attendance.
Come by and see our team of athletes, sales reps and the CEO himself Mark Glazier at Booth #351. We will spending the weekend sampling out our most popular products including our PRE, Intra Blast, newly released Alpha EAA as well as our three new Breakfast and Snack Series Whey Protein Isolate flavors. We will also be debuting a brand new product that weekend which feature one of our most innovative and exciting flavor additions to date.
We look forward to meeting and greeting with all those attending the Arnold and making our mark on this event! Please contact us to set a meeting and take advantage of the Arnold Specials for wholesale accounts!
Also please come and train with us at our Bio Crew Event!!
***For purchases and percentage off wholesale pricing please contact your sales representative, myself, or our wholesale department at***
Dan Margolis
NutraBio Vice President