Testosterone Booster Guide: Harness the Power of UNBOUND TEST

Man working out with Testosterone booster bottle-Unbound by NutraBio


Muscle growth... it’s the holy grail for us hardcore lifters. We bust our humps in the gym, pushing past our limits, yet sometimes the gains just don’t match our insane effort. That’s when testosterone boosters start looking mighty tempting.

But can they actually deliver on their muscle-building promises?

Let’s be real: hitting plateaus is a total buzzkill. That’s why we decided to dive deep into the science behind test boosters. Did you know over 33% of dudes 45 and up have low T? Pretty wild stuff. But that doesn’t have to be you.

We’ve spent more hours than we can count researching how test boosters can turbocharge your results. In fact, our research led us to the formula found in UNBOUND TEST.

In this article, we are going to dive deeper and cut through all the myths on the internet to give you the raw truth about testosterone boosters and muscle growth. The good, the bad, and the awesome. We’ll also highlight some of the key benefits of tossing a test booster like UNBOUND TEST into your routine.

So, go ahead and grab your shaker bottle, fill it up with some aminos or protein, and let’s get ready for some serious knowledge gains.

Understanding the Role of Testosterone

Before we can just jump into testosterone boosters, it’s first important to understand some background information on testosterone.

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone that plays a crucial role in muscle growth and strength. It’s essential for protein synthesis, which is the process of building new muscle tissue after intense workouts.

That said, women also have testosterone, that play a key roll in driving their results. Women only produce a much smaller total amount of it compared to their main hormone, estrogen.

The Function of Testosterone

Testosterone is the king of anabolic hormones for bodybuilders and hardcore lifters. This powerful hormone helps drive muscle growth, strength gains, and athletic performance.

We’re talking about serious anabolic effects! Testosterone stimulates protein synthesis, enhances amino acid uptake, and inhibits muscle breakdown. It’s the secret weapon behind those eye-popping gains in lean mass and explosive power.

But testosterone’s impact goes far beyond just building slabs of muscle. This hormone is crucial for developing male characteristics, cranking up our sex drive, and even strengthening our bones.

RELATED: How Caffeine Influences Testosterone and Cortisol Levels

During puberty, it triggers the growth of facial hair, deepens our voice, and supercharges genital development. For dedicated bodybuilders and those looking for advanced results, optimizing natural testosterone levels is key to maximizing results from brutal training sessions and strict nutrition plans.

How Testosterone Affects Muscle Growth

Testosterone plays a crucial role in muscle growth for hardcore fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. When you’re able to increase your natural production of testosterone, you’re looking at some pretty impressive results.

Being that once men hit the age of around 30, their testosterone starts decreasing, using a test booster can help get their levels back up into a normal and healthy range.

Here’s the deal: testosterone ramps up muscle protein synthesis.

What does this mean for us? More protein building blocks are available for packing on that lean mass we’re after. It’s like flipping the switch to beast mode and priming our muscles for intense growth and recovery after those brutal training sessions.

What is a Good Testosterone Booster?


Bottle of Unbound Test

It’s a common question… “What is the best testosterone booster?” Is there such a thing? We think so. And we’ve seen dudes walk into their local supplement retailers and ask for the best testosterone booster for men. What do they sell them? UNBOUND TEST, and the feedback has been amazing.  

The best over the counter testosterone booster should pack a punch with proven ingredients that kick your body into high gear. You should be looking for natural compounds that fire up your own T-production — and none of that synthetic hormones or sketchy stuff.

We created UNBOUND TEST to provide you with something safe and effective that you can trust. Not only do we believe it’s the best testosterone booster 2024, but we fully believe it’s the best testosterone booster for getting the results you're looking for.

UNBOUND TEST — Unmatched Ingredients for Enhanced Results

Through all the research we’ve done, we have the lowdown on testosterone boosters for serious bodybuilders. We use all of that research to help come up with the strongest formula for TEST.

Let’s break down the ingredients in UNBOUND TEST to help take your gains to the next level:

  1. Vitamin D3: This vitamin supercharges your immune system and bone health, making it essential for overall wellness and vitality.
  1. Zinc: A vital mineral that helps boost testosterone while also being crucial for both sexual health and recovery.
  1. Fenugreek Extract: A powerful extract that can boost testosterone levels naturally, enhance muscle growth and strength, improve libido and sexual performance, aid in fat loss, and support overall male vitality.
  1. Shilajit Extract: A potent adaptogen that helps boost testosterone, enhance energy and stamina, support cognitive function, aid in muscle recovery, and provides a rich source of fulvic acid and essential minerals for overall male health and performance.
  1. Spilanthes Acmella Extract: Often referred to as “Nature’s Viagra,” it can help amplify natural testosterone production, enhance libido and sexual performance, support muscle growth, improve strength, and boost endurance levels.
  1. KSM-66®: A premium ashwagandha extract that can increase testosterone levels, reduce stress and cortisol levels, improve muscle strength and recovery, heighten cognitive function and focus, and support overall athletic performance and male vitality.
  1. LJ-100®: A powerful and patented Tongkat Ali extract that supports testosterone production, enhances muscle growth and strength, improves athletic performance, increases libido and sexual function, and reduces stress while promoting overall vitality.
  1. DIM: An extremely potent and natural ingredient that helps optimize estrogen metabolism, promote healthy testosterone levels, support muscle growth, aid in fat loss, enhance athletic performance, and provide potent antioxidant benefits for overall male health and hormonal balance.
  1. Albion® Boron: This essential trace mineral can increase free testosterone levels, enhance muscle growth and strength, improve bone density, boost cognitive function, and support overall hormonal balance and male vitality.
  1. BioPerine®: A patented black pepper extract that can dramatically enhance nutrient absorption and bioavailability, amplify the effectiveness of other supplements and ingredients, boost metabolism, and improve overall supplement efficacy for maximum muscle-building and performance benefits.

Do Testosterone Boosters Work?

While the effectiveness of testosterone boosters can vary depending on individual factors and the specific ingredients used, research suggests that certain natural compounds may help increase testosterone levels and support muscle growth.

Granted, we can only speak upon our own product because we’ve had it 3rd party tested for potency and know exactly what we put on the label is precisely what’s in each serving. So, do testosterone boosters work? The effectiveness of a testosterone booster depends on its ingredients, and with the high-quality ingredients in TEST, we can confidently say YES! 

Best of all, you get all the benefits of a test booster in only 3 capsules per day!

There are many studies that show fenugreek extract can increase total testosterone and free testosterone. There are patented KSM-66® studies that show this powerful version of ashwagandha can increase testosterone levels and muscle strength when used in conjunction with resistance training. Zinc has long been studied and shown to help men maintain normal testosterone levels. The list goes on and on.

Not only that, but we use other hardcore ingredients like LJ-100®, DIM, Shilajit Extract, and Spilanthes Acmella that also have research to back up their benefits and use when it comes to supporting natural testosterone production.

Now, we need to have a certain set of expectations here. Will testosterone boosters provide steroid-like results, or what you would experience with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)? Of course not. We’re comparing apples and oranges here. But can a natural test booster help increase your testosterone production? Absolutely.

How to Naturally Increase Testosterone in Women

Being that men naturally have higher levels of testosterone than women, let’s look at how to naturally increase testosterone in women.

In order to naturally increase testosterone in women, strategic lifestyle changes and targeted nutrition are going to be involved.

RELATED: Women and Protein Supplements — Fact vs. Fiction

While we would definitely recommend you toss UNBOUND TEST into your plan, let’s look at some powerful methods that women can implement to optimize testosterone levels for enhanced muscle growth and overall performance.

Hey guys… you should also read this section as much of what we’re talking about can also apply to you.

1.    Diet and nutrition tips

Ladies, we know you’re pushing your limits in the gym, but nutrition is where real gains are made. Let’s fuel that beast inside you with some hardcore diet and nutrition tips to maximize testosterone and muscle growth:

  • Load up on healthy fats: High-fat diets are linked to higher T levels, so don’t shy away from foods like avocados, nuts, olive oil, and fatty fish. Try to hit around 30% of your calories from fat.
  • Pump up the protein: As a hardcore lifter, you need at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily. Prioritize lean meats, eggs, fish, and quality protein powders like NutraBio Whey Protein Isolate.
  • Zinc it up: This mineral is crucial for T production. Oysters, beef, and pumpkin seeds are zinc powerhouses. Consider a zinc supplement of 30mg daily.
  • Vitamin D is key: Low vitamin D means low testosterone. Get sun exposure and eat D-rich foods like egg yolks and fatty fish. A 2000-5000 IU supplement can help.
  • Ditch the junk: Processed foods and excess sugar wreak havoc on hormones. Stick to whole, nutrient-dense foods to support optimal T levels.
  • Time your carbs: Consume most carbs post-workout to refuel glycogen and boost insulin, which aids muscle growth. Stick to complex carbs like oats and sweet potatoes.
  • Stay hydrated: Proper hydration is critical for hormone production. Shoot for at least 1 gallon of water daily, more if training intensely and sweating profusely.
  • Consider creatine: This proven supplement boosts strength and muscle mass. Take 5g daily for best results.
  • Don’t skimp on veggies: Micronutrients in vegetables support overall health and hormone balance. Strive for 2-3 cups with each meal.
  • Meal timing matters: Eat every 3-4 hours to keep protein synthesis elevated and provide a steady stream of nutrients to your muscles.

2.    Lifestyle changes

Hardcore bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, listen up. Your lifestyle will dictate if you can supercharge your testosterone levels and muscle gains. Here are some things to be aware of as it relates to your personal lifestyle:

  • Crush your workouts: Regular resistance training and high-intensity interval training are proven testosterone boosters. Hit the iron hard, focusing on compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses to maximize hormonal response.
  • Sleep like a champion: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Less than 7 hours can significantly reduce testosterone levels, sabotaging your gains.
  • Ditch the booze: Excessive alcohol intake is a testosterone killer. Cut back or eliminate it entirely to maintain optimal hormone levels for muscle growth.
  • Dominate stress: Chronic stress elevates cortisol, which can wreck your testosterone production. Implement stress-management techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to keep cortisol in check.
  • Optimize your diet: Fuel your body with testosterone-friendly foods. Include plenty of lean proteins, healthy fats, and nutrient-dense vegetables to support hormone production and muscle growth.
  • Supplement strategically: Consider adding proven testosterone boosting supplements to your regimen, like UNBOUND TEST.
  • Stay hydrated: Proper hydration is crucial for optimal hormone function. Drink at least 1 gallon of water daily to keep your body and hormones optimized.
  • Get sunlight exposure: Vitamin D from sunlight plays a vital role in testosterone production. Spend 15-20 minutes outdoors daily to boost your natural vitamin D levels.
  • Limit long cardio sessions: While cardio has its benefits, excessive bouts of cardio can lower testosterone levels. Focus on short, intense bursts of activity instead.
  • Leverage intermittent fasting: This eating pattern has been shown to increase testosterone levels and growth hormone production. Consider incorporating 16/8 or 24-hour fasts into your routine.

What Happens if a Woman Takes a Testosterone Booster?

Ladies hitting the iron hard, listen up! Taking testosterone boosters as a woman can help speed up the rate to which you get the results you have been looking for. Some women worry that increased testosterone is harmful, but that’s not true. A natural testosterone booster won’t make you “manly” or give you masculine features. In fact, we have a ton of women using UNBOUND TEST.

Our testosterone pills can boost energy, sex drive, and muscle mass — everything we crave..

Granted, it’s going to take some time for your body to increase your levels as compared to men, but slowly and surely, you’ll start to notice and feel the effects, such as an increase in strength, muscle growth, and even the ability to better manage your body fat.

Does Testosterone Make You Horny?

Testosterone plays a crucial role as a natural libido booster and sexual function enhancer. We’ve seen how this powerful hormone stimulates key brain regions tied to sexual urges and enhances sensitivity in erogenous zones.

For us dedicated fitness buffs and bodybuilders, balanced T-levels do more than just build muscle — they fire up our sex drive, too. Adequate testosterone is essential for achieving and maintaining erections, giving us that primal energy in and out of the gym.

Boosting our testosterone naturally through intense training, proper nutrition, and testosterone boosters, like TEST, can have some serious benefits in the bedroom. It’s not just about packing on mass — optimal T-levels elevate our mood and confidence, indirectly ramping up sexual desire and interest.

As we push our limits in pursuit of gains, we’re also fueling that animalistic drive that makes us feel unstoppable. The testosterone-libido connection is real, fellas — another reason to keep grinding and maximizing our hormonal health.

Does a Testosterone Booster Help You Lose Weight?

Yes, natural testosterone boosters can potentially aid in fat loss. Testosterone plays a role in metabolism and muscle growth, which can contribute to an increase in lean muscle mass and a reduction in body fat. Your ability to increase lean muscle tissue can also help increase your metabolism since muscle burns more calories than body fat does. 

For hardcore lifters chasing extreme amounts of muscle, using a testosterone booster like TEST can aid with body recomposition. The key is to normalize testosterone levels, which enhances insulin sensitivity and lipid oxidation.

Combined with intense training and clean eating, test boosters give you an extra edge in building the ultimate physique. Just don’t expect miracles from a testosterone pill — real results come from busting your butt in the gym day after day.

Is a Testosterone Booster a Steroid?

No, testosterone boosters are not classified as anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). We need to set the record straight. Natural testosterone boosters are dietary supplements designed to naturally enhance your body’s testosterone production, while steroids are synthetic hormones that directly introduce exogenous testosterone into your system.

Test boosters like TEST contain safe ingredients and natural compounds that can support your body’s own testosterone production. Unlike steroids, they don’t carry the same legal restrictions or side effects.

Is it Safe to Take a Testosterone Booster?

A major question that comes up online quite often is if it’s safe to take a testosterone booster. Again, we can only speak from experience with our brands, but with TEST, it’s absolutely safe.

Safety is dependent on ingredients and dosage. You should always follow the recommended dosage listed on every testosterone booster.

To take things a step further, we meticulously formulate our supplements using only the highest quality ingredients that are backed by research. Not only that, but we use 3rd party testing to ensure what our label claims is exactly what you’re getting.


Testosterone boosters are a great way to provide yourself with the edge you’re looking for to help support natural testosterone production and muscle growth through their potent formula.

The time is now. You have the ability to get your hands on the strongest testosterone booster for both men and women in 2024. There is no more questioning, “What is the best testosterone booster out there?” THIS IS IT.

Once you try TEST, you’ll see for yourself why nothing else comes close. It's the real deal if you want to experience the best testosterone booster for muscle gain. What you get is a highly dosed and potent test booster that checks every box possible when it comes to a hardcore supplement.

Get your bottle today, and remember, every purchase is backed by our 100% Forever & A Day Guarantee!


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7739287/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526128/
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2917954/
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8538516/
  5. https://www.webmd.com/men/ss/slideshow-low-testosterone-natural-boost
  6. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/8-ways-to-boost-testosterone
  7. https://www.houstonmethodist.org/blog/articles/2021/apr/5-all-natural-ways-to-boost-your-testosterone/
  8. https://www.reuters.com/article/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/boosting-womens-testosterone-can-increase-muscle-mass-and-endurance-idUSKBN1WW2ZJ/
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7098532/
  10. https://www.teamwellcore.com/blog/does-testosterone-really-make-you-hornier
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4154787/
  12. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/testosterone-and-fat-loss

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

By: Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN