Ben not only can talk the talk when promoting and educating, but he walks the walk as well. Here at NutraBio we make sure to have athletes behind the brand that can back the talk! You can follow Ben for updates on NutraBio in your favorite large retailers and his training on instagram at @Strengthandhonorfitness1
Ben Kane, NutraBio's Key Account Manager and GNC Team Lead recently competed in RPS's North American Championships. Even with traveling around America promoting Fully-Disclosed Supplements, he was able to drop a weight class and be competitive.
Competing in the 220 weight class, Ben used NutraBio supplements to train hard, drop weight, and after making weight by .6lbs effectively re-hydrated and carbed up to compete. He was able to squat 515lbs, bench 390, and deadlift 600. These numbers put him in first place for his weight class.